Test your knowledge and learn some interesting facts around chess

Table of contents


Chess Blaze is a quiz app where you can test your knowledge if you are familiar with chess or you can learn some interesting facts if you are a newbie! So what are you waiting for? Let's Blaze!


Chess Blaze is shipped with the following quizes:








Running this app Locally

  1. Clone the repository by running this command in your terminal.
gh repo clone Tarandeep-s1ngh/Chess-Blaze

  1. A directory named "Chess-Blaze" will be created on your machine.
  2. Go to the index.html and use the live server to run the project.

Contributing to the project

  1. Do the steps (1-2) exactly as above.
  2. Refer the shared.css to get the idea what pattern is followed.
  3. Create a new branch from dev branch.
  4. Make the changes.
  5. Commit the Changes.
  6. Push the changes and open a pull request.
  7. Pull request will be reviewed by the maintainer and merged if found okay.

Note: Please describe the component/changes you have made in your pull request. It would be nice if you could attach a visual example for the same.

My Takeaways:

  1. Don’t take CSS as hit-&-trial, rather take it up logically. Understand why something is not working and other thing is. 🎯
  2. Value calculations in CSS.
  3. Stacking context and z-index.
  4. Responsive web app.
  5. Flexbox.
  6. Grid.
  7. Mobile first approach.

Tech Stack

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Flexbox Layout

