Yet another application. This is a simple example of spring-data-jdbc and spring-data-rest running in a Spring Boot app against a PostgreSQL database. Demonstrates that minimalistic CRUD is possible with no application-specific code.
$ mvn package
$ mvn jib:build
To run locally you can start a PostgreSQL server and adjust settings accordingly in
(or env. variables or system properties).
This assumes you have built and pushed the image with Jib beforehand.
- Create a shared Dockernetwork:
$ docker network create --driver bridge mynet
- Start a PostgreSQL container:
NB: The PostgreSQL password must match what you provide to the app later on.
$ docker run --net=mynet -p 5432:5432 --rm --name yaapp-db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<MY_PG_PASSWORD> -d postgres:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- Start the app:
$ docker run --net=mynet -p 8080:8080 -e SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://yaapp-db:5432/postgres -d yaapp:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT