a feature rich Twitter experience built with Flutter
harpy is actively being development. See the project for more information about the progress.
harpy is a feature rich Twitter client that focuses on a nice user experience and great design.
This project aims to provide a good example for a medium-big sized Flutter app in hopes that it will be useful for some.
Some interesting features of the app include:
- riverpod
- for state management using the included state_notifier
- for dependency injection / service locators with easily mockable dependencies
- go_router for routing
- sentry as an online error tracking service to report unhandled exceptions
- Fully featured theme customization
- Fully featured video player using the video_player package.
- A 'pro' and 'free' android product flavor
- Many customized animations sprinkled around the app, including custom logo animations created with Rive
Run the build runner once after cloning the project
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
Follow these instructions for setting up your Twitter API key.
The app can be built with the "free" or "pro" flavor by running:
flutter run --flavor free --dart-define=flavor=free --dart-define=twitter_consumer_key=your_consumer_key --dart-define=twitter_consumer_secret=your_consumer_secret
flutter run --flavor pro --dart-define=flavor=pro --dart-define=twitter_consumer_key=your_consumer_key --dart-define=twitter_consumer_secret=your_consumer_secret