
Alpine docker with privoxy enabled to work with HTTPS

Primary LanguageShell

Docker Privoxy HTTPS

📃 About

Alpine docker with privoxy enabled and configured to work with HTTPS.

It also includes the script made by 'Andrwe Lord Weber' to translate adblock rules to privoxy.

The default configuration is intended for personal use only (ex. raspberry)

💡 Documentation

This image downloads the 'trustedCAs' file from curl.se and also generates the ca-bundle file. So, you only need copy the 'ca-bundle' file and install it on your browser/system.

Privoxy Status Page: https://config.privoxy.org/show-status

Env. Variables

Name Description Default
ADBLOCK_URLS String of urls separated by spaces ""
ADBLOCK_FILTERS String of filters separated by spaces ""
  • Can get urls from: https://easylist.to/
  • Can know the available filters with docker exec privoxy privoxy-blocklist --help


docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name privoxy -p 8118:8118 -v privoxy-ca:/usr/local/etc/privoxy/CA ghtardo/docker-privoxy-https

Docker Compose

    image: ghtardo/docker-privoxy-https
    container_name: privoxy
      - 8118:8118
      - TZ=Europe/Madrid
      - ADBLOCK_URLS=https://easylist.to/easylist/easylist.txt
      - privoxy-ca:/usr/local/etc/privoxy/CA
    restart: unless-stopped
    hostname: "privoxy"


Get ca-bundle

docker cp privoxy:/usr/local/etc/privoxy/CA/privoxy-ca-bundle.crt .

📐 Privoxy Manager Script (privman)

  • Update the Trusted CA file: docker exec privoxy privman --update-trusted-ca
  • Regenerate the .crt bundle: docker exec privoxy privman --regenerate-crt-bundle
  • Update 'adblock' filters: docker exec privoxy privman --update-adblock-filters
  • Block a domain to the blacklist: docker exec privoxy privman --add-blacklist .google. .facebook.
  • Remove a domain from the blacklist: docker exec privoxy privman --remove-blacklist .facebook.

📄 Configuration highlight changes

  • actionsfile privman-rules/user.action > Where are the privman rules (empty by default)
  • filterfile privman-rules/user.filter > Predefined privman aliases
  • buffer-limit > Increased to 25600KB (25MB)
  • keep-alive-timeout > Increased to 600 seconds
  • socket-timeout > Decreased to 5 seconds
  • max-client-connections > Increased to 512
  • listen-backlog > Set to -1 (maximum queue length allowed)
  • receive-buffer-size > Increased to 65536 bytes

🔖 Points of Interest

Container Path Description
/usr/local/etc/privoxy/ Where privoxy files are located
/usr/local/etc/privoxy/config The configuration file
/usr/local/etc/privoxy/CA Where auth. certs are located
/usr/local/etc/privoxy/certs Where privoxy stores the downloaded certificates
/var/lib/privoxy Where are the scripts related to privoxy

💻 Privoxy Compiler Options

  • --disable-toggle
  • --disable-editor
  • --disable-force
  • --with-openssl
  • --with-brotli