
IACT DL3 meeting, March 2017, MPIK Heidelberg

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IACT DL3 meeting, March 2017, MPIK Heidelberg

Basic information

  • When?

    • Start: Monday, March 20 at 2:30 pm
    • End: Friday, March 24 at noon
  • Where?

  • Contacts:

  • Remote participation: probably not, please come to the meeting.

  • We will do a call the week before to prepare the meeting.

    • "IACT DL3" call on Tuesday, March 14 at 11 am on CTA eZuce.
    • Connection info (no password, guests allowed) is here.


This is a meeting on the data level 3 (DL3) data model and formats for imaging atmospheric Cherenkov (IACT) telescopes.

  • The topic is data level 3 (DL3), i.e. the interface between pipeline and science tools. See "Open high-level data formats and software for gamma-ray astronomy" (2016) for an introduction / overview / status / next steps on DL3.
  • The main focus is on CTA! Participation by existing IACTS (e.g. H.E.S.S., MAGIC, VERITAS, FACT), or similar telescopes (e.g. HAWC, neutrinos) is encouraged, their experience especially with instrument response functions (IRFs) is an important input for the discussions.
  • This is a follow-up on the workshop from last year (see 2016-04_IACT_DL3_Meeting).
  • The meeting will be announced on the open-gamma-ray-astro mailing list and cta-data, and forwarding to analysis mailing lists of existing IACTs is welcome.
  • This is a CTA meeting, but everyone interested in the topic is welcome to join (at last year's meeting, we had the same policy, but in the end all participants were CTA members).

Goals of the meeting are:

  • Get an overview and update from the CTA side on the aspects that influence DL3, such as planned observing modes to support, IRF precision requirements and status and plans for IRF production.
  • Make progress on the DL3 specifications at gamma-astro-data-formats.
  • We have been stuck a bit since last year with major questions concerning the data model and formats, e.g. on how to organise the data and link the pieces. Other major points are listed in 2016arXiv161001884D. We would like to make some real progress on those key DL3 issues, and try to develop something that can support CTA well and then prototype it in the coming year.
  • By the end of the week, have a document summarising the information that determines the CTA DL3, and one or more concrete options to do it outlined, with action items what to investigate next (in 2017) to make progress listed.

The following things are not topics at this workshop:

  • CTA pipeline or science tool software development. DL3 is the interface between these softwares, and participation and feedback by people working on those codes is highly encouraged. But the focus here is on the DL3 specs, work on the codes to implement or prototype can then continue after the meeting.
  • Lower-level data, e.g. air shower images.
  • Higher-level data, e.g. sky images or spectra.


We will start with presentations and discussions on Monday and Tuesday. Please consider presenting something and let us know (email Christoph & Catherine).

  • TBC: Jim Hinton or Alison Mitchell: overview of IRF requirements for CTA
  • TBC: overview of CTA observation modes
  • TBC: overview on CTA IRF and DL3 production
  • TBC: report on DL3 from the science tool side (focus on aspects like IRF interpolation and precision and other things that are relevant aspects to define the DL3 data model).
  • TBC: overview / status / lessons learnt of DL3 from H.E.S.S.


  • TBC: My/our suggestion for DL3
  • TBC: My/our suggestion for DL3

Then we'll discuss and write it down, i.e. produce one or several documents by the end of the week.


Please email Christoph if you'd like to join, and let me know if you can join for the full meeting or only some days. Also let me know if you'd like to stay in the MPIK guest house or need help finding a hotel in Heidelberg.

Registered participants:

  • Christoph Deil
  • Catherine Boisson
  • Tarek Hassan
  • Jose-Luis Contreras (not the full week)