This is an algorithm(C/Linux) to generate the real username during PPPoE. I disassembled the code from the Android version , modified it to run the algorithm on OpenWRT.
Click here to see BBS topic.
- Efficiency algorithm, specially optimized for embedded system.
- Portable, you can swift this script to other devices.
- Auto-fit all kinds of username input.
- Support both OpenWRT and PandoraBox(not recommend).
###Supported Province
See all suppported provinces at supported radius
See Wiki
####1. Download the Latest release
after downloaded, please edit pppd_options
in confnetwork.sh
####2. Upload use scp(you can try WinScp on windows ) to upload
yourprovince_sxplugin.so -> /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.7/
confnetwork.sh -> /tmp/
####3. Config ssh into the router and run the script
chmod a+x /tmp/confnetwork.sh
sh /tmp/confnetwork.sh
finially sync your router's time and reconnect your NetKeeper interface in browser
##Development This is for advanced development only.
###1. Compile from source code
As a prerequisite you should setup a 64-bit Ubuntu(recommend 14.04) with its dependencies. Or you can use Coding.net's WorkSpace to compile the binary
####1.1. Get the source code on your machine
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/miao1007/Openwrt-NetKeeper.git
####1.2. Get Toolchain
download latest Toolchain
or use script
#this is a sample for mipsel(Little Endian) device
wget https://downloads.openwrt.org/barrier_breaker/14.07/ramips/mt7620a/OpenWrt-Toolchain-ramips-for-mipsel_24kec%2bdsp-gcc-4.8-linaro_uClibc- -O - | tar xj
#or chinese mirror
#wget http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/openwrt/barrier_breaker/14.07/ramips/mt7620a/OpenWrt-Toolchain-ramips-for-mipsel_24kec%2bdsp-gcc-4.8-linaro_uClibc- -O - | tar xj
####1.3. Config
Read and edit makefile
and confnetwork.sh
TODOS carefully
####1.4. Compile
cd Openwrt-NetKeeper/src/
make all
####1.5. (Optinal)Download from Cloud if using cloud IDE, try
tar zcf sxplugin_mipsel.tar *_sxplugin.so
and download.
###2. Config router
You can use my script to upload
make upload
##Developed By Leon - miao1007@gmail.com
- No TAOBAO use