
error 405 when streaming in DASH or HLS

chache35 opened this issue · 4 comments


I'm unable to stream to the nginx server whatever the format (DASH, or HLS) : A 405 error is raised for the PUT request
Docker logs : - - [15/Dec/2020:16:44:00 +0000] "PUT /hls/file-TL_11-6.m3u8 HTTP/1.1" 405 157 "-" "v4.1" - - [15/Dec/2020:16:44:00 +0000] "PUT /dash/audio-TL_11-6-24000-160805064.mp4a HTTP/1.1" 405 157 "-" "v4.1"

Are you trying to stream DASH/HLS to the Nginx or stream DASH/HLS from nginx? Can you detail out how you are doing it
The default Nginx config is to push RTMP stream to the server and playback RTMP/DASH/HLS.


I'm trying to push HLS and DASH to Nginx.
If Nginx is only able to ingest RTMP, that is probably why it doesn't work.

Yes, the current Nginx only ingests RTMP then playbacks RTMP or DASH/HLS.
To put HLS/DASH streams, you may need to configure Video On Demand (VOD). I am not sure how Nginx can be configured to write the files without an additional web application.

Thank you.
I have finally found a configuration that also manage DASH and HLS in PUT mode