Laravel Vuetify SPA Starter with JWT Authentication

Laravel-VueJS starter build with Laravel 6.5.0 and Vuetify 2.1.9 with JWT authentication 1.0.0-rc.5



  • Clone the repo with git clone
  • Run cd laravel-vuetify-spa-starter-with-JWT
  • Run cp .env.example .env
  • Configure .env
  • Create cache,sessions,views folders in storage/framework
  • Run composer install
  • Run php artisan key:generate
  • Run php artisan jwt:secret
  • Run php artisan migrate
  • Run npm install


  • Run php artisan serve for running laravel
  • Run npm run hot for serve with hot reloading
  • Run npm run watch for build and watch
  • Run npm run prod for production buid