
Base Docker image for yeoman generators in Outrigger

Primary LanguageShell

Yeoman generator base image

This Docker image is intended as the base for other yeoman generator images.

Creating a generator image

To create a new yeoman generator, create a Dockerfile like this:

FROM targetprocess/yeoman
RUN npm install --global --silent GENERATOR-NAME
ENTRYPOINT ["entrypoint.sh", "GENERATOR-NAME"]

Then build the docker image:

docker build -t targetprocess/generator-GENERATOR-NAME .

To run the generator manually to create a new project, use:

docker run -it -e LOCAL_USER_ID=$(id -u) -e LOCAL_GROUP_ID=$(id -g) -v "$(pwd):/generated" --rm targetprocess/generator-GENERATOR-NAME

Environment variables LOCAL_USER_ID and LOCAL_GROUP_ID are optional for Windows or Mac OS.

This will run yo GENERATOR-NAME within the Docker container and will build the project in the current directory.