
CLI for generating release notes in CHANGELOG's for substrate based projects maintained by the integrations tools team.

Primary LanguageRust


CLI for generating release notes in CHANGELOG's for substrate based projects maintained by the integrations tools team.


This CLI helps generate release docs for a CHANGELOG. The following CLI requires a specific setup which will be covered below.


  • Target CHANGELOG must follow conventional commits format.
  • Releases must be fromatted like chore(release): ...
  • Tags must hold the format of vXX.XX.XX
  • The header of the CHANGELOG must be # Changelog

Local Usage

$ cargo build --release
$ target/release/changie <args>

CLI args

Usage: changie [OPTIONS] --org <ORG> --repo <REPO> --file-path <FILE_PATH> --target-version <TARGET_VERSION>

  -o, --org <ORG>
          Org name for the given repository
  -r, --repo <REPO>
          Name of the repository
  -f, --file-path <FILE_PATH>
          File path to the CHANGELOG
  -t, --target-version <TARGET_VERSION>
          Target version for the release. Format: vXX.XX.XX
  -s, --sha <SHA>
          Sha or branch to start commits at. Defaults to 'main' [default: main]
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version                         Print version