Web-Scraper using TCP

Client-server based web-scraping application that works on TCP.

App description

There are two roles: client and server. The client sends the url address to the server, then the number of the images and the leaf paragraphs in the url (web page) are counted in the server part and sent to the client as a response.


In terminal, enter:

git clone https://github.com/TarlanOmarbayli/Web_Scraper_TCP

Then, install requirements by entering

pip install -r requirements.txt


In the Server terminal:

python3 web_scraper.py server

Pressing Ctrl+C will stop the terminal.

In the Client terminal:

python3 web_scraper.py client {-p} {url address}

Example: python3 web_scraper.py client -p www.pcworld.com


Pre-defined hostname is and port number is 4488.