
Reification of data structures using observable sharing

Primary LanguageHaskellOtherNOASSERTION

data-reify Hackage version Build Status

Data-reify lets you reify sharing. That is, turn cyclic data with pointers into flat graphs with named references. It uses GHC's Sys.Mem.StableName api to track pointer-identities.

This is a fork which dramatically changes the interface. The core is the MonadRef class:

type Unique = Int
class Monad m => MonadRef m where
    -- | Calling with the same value returns the same Unique
    stableName :: a -> m Unique
    freshName :: m Unique
    wasVisited :: Unique -> m Bool
    markVisited :: Unique -> m ()

The library does a traversal through your type and uses stableName to replace pointers with ints.

We must keep track of the key-value pairs generated. In the new interface users must implement a typeclass to store key-value pairs. This makes it much easier to transform mutually recursive types, just implement it so each type to inserted into a separate map.

class Monad m => MonadGlobals o m where
    tellGlobal :: Key o -> DeRef o -> m ()

-- Example instance:
type GlobalEnv = IM.IntMap FlatExpr
instance Monad m => MonadGlobals Expr (StateT GlobalEnv m) where
    tellGlobal k v = modify (IM.insert k v)

MuRef performs the traversal, replacing recursive positions with flat keys.

class (MonadGlobals a m) => MuRef a m where
    mapDeRef :: (forall b. (MuRef m b) => b -> m (Key b)) -> a -> m (DeRef a)
    type DeRef a

    type Key a = Unique
    makeKey :: a -> Unique -> Key a
    makeKey _ uniq = uniq

Usage example:

data Expr = Lambda (Expr -> Expr) | ...
data FlatExpr = Lambda' Int (Key Expr) | Plus' (Key Expr) (Key Expr) | Var Int | ...
instance (MonadRef m) => MuRef Expr m where
    type DeRef Expr = FlatExpr
    mapDeRef visitChildren (Lambda fun) = do
       -- Trick from the paper: Use the stableName of a function to generate a name for its argument
       uniq <- stableName fun
       let var = Var uniq
       body <- visitChildren (fun var)
       pure (Lambda' var body)
    mapDeRef visitChildren (Plus l r) = Plus' <$> visitChildren l <*> visitChildren r

flattenExpr :: Expr -> IO (Int, IM.IntMap FlatExpr)
flattenExpr e = runStable (runStateT (findNodes e) mempty)

data-reify provided the ability to turn recursive structures into explicit graphs. Many (implicitly or explicitly) recursive data structure can be given this ability, via a type class instance. This gives an alternative to using Ref for observable sharing.

Observable sharing in general is unsafe, so we use the IO monad to bound this effect, but can be used safely even with unsafePerformIO if some simple conditions are met. Typically this package will be used to tie the knot with DSLs that depend of observable sharing, like Lava.

Providing an instance for MuRef is the mechanism for allowing a structure to be reified into a graph, and several examples of this are provided.

History: Version 0.1 used unsafe pointer compares. Version 0.2 of data-reify used StableNames, and was much faster. Version 0.3 provided two versions of MuRef, the mono-typed version, for trees of a single type, and the dynamic-typed version, for trees of different types. Version 0.4 used Int as a synonym for Unique rather than Data.Unique for node ids, by popular demand. Version 0.5 merged the mono-typed and dynamic version again, by using DynStableName, an unphantomized version of StableName.