

Primary LanguagePython

Tea Recommend SNS


  • SNS like Twitter Specialized in 'TEA'
  • User have to post an evaluation of tha tea he drunk.
  • A user's preference accumulates, and it is used to recommend some tea to the user.
  • A user's preference accumulates is also used to an evaluation of a Tea. So this SNS will be also Tea dictionary.

Source of Idea

Tea community in Twitter

Some people tweets tea's photo, their impressions, tea's name and a producting area, when they drink a tea. This SNS collect user's evaluation of tea with a post.

  • Collect each user's evaluation data of tea with a post.

A Distictive UI

  • User can evaluate tea by sliding a barometer of each futures.

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Future values

  • A range of Each feature values is from -1 to 1.

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  • Calculate user's Preference.
  • Mean of user's evaluation which user judged LIKE per category of tea


  • Calculate Tea(Evaluation of tea)
  • Mean of all user's evaluation about the tea


  • Recommend tea to a user
  • Inner producto between user's preference and teas
  • Python 3.7.2
  • Django 2.2.3
  • Django Rest Framework 3.9.4
  • PostgreSQL 11.3


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Pages and Action of this service


  • index : timeline
  • profile : profile of user, old posts of user, follow, follower, posts user liked
  • setting : core-info of user
  • tea : info of tea
  • evaluation : evaluations of user
  • preference : preference of user


  • upload and delete a post
  • like and delike a post
  • follow and defollow a user
  • upload a evaluation
  • upload and update a user profile
  • upload and update a user info
  • search posts, tea, and users

API Policy

Not complete REST, but Not completely fitting in UI -> Make a unit which is grouped by some entities
! Why -> robust to UI changes


  1. Profile : profile of user, posts of user
  2. APIs : uris of all API
  3. Post&Evaluation : post and evakuation about a tea

RESTful API Endpoint