
The source code in the submitted paper to CCF-C conference:International Conference on Intelligent Computing(ICIC2024)


The source code in the submitted paper to CCF-C conference:International Conference on Intelligent Computing(ICIC2024)

Coming soon

When the paper accepted, we will upload the completed code about smoking-YOLO.


The detection algorithm is based on Smoking-3k comparison

Model Name AP0.5:0.95 AP0.5 FPS Params Gflops
PP-YOLOE 0.442 0.894 26.6 7.61 16.3
rt-detr 0.456 0.953 25.9 42.78 135.1
YOLOv7 0.452 0.876 29.8 37.20 105.1
YOLOv8-s 0.496 0.916 76.4 11.13 28.6
Cascade R-CNN 0.390 0.939 8.0 69.17 159.2
Efficientvit 0.567 0.928 27.8 8.38 20.4
Our model 0.566 0.947 155.2 7.03 28.7