
Simple object inspired on Laravel's models

Primary LanguagePHP


Installation from composer.

composer require tarsisioxavier/magic-object


MagicObject it's a abstract class, which means it cannot be instantiated. You'll need to create another class and extend from it.



use TarsisioXavier\MagicObject\MagicObject;

class ExampleClass extends MagicObject
    // Your code here...

$exampleObject = new ExampleClass();



MagicObject contains a property which holds all the attributes of the class - except the ones matching some class' property - making them accessable like the property exists within the class.

You may notice an "original" property in your objects, that's just to hold the attributes passed to the class' contructor.

This is usefull when you're encapsulating data comming from APIs to log some stuff and debug when needed.



use TarsisioXavier\MagicObject\MagicObject;

class ExampleClass extends MagicObject
    // Your code here...

$exampleObject = new ExampleClass();

// This property doesn't exist.
$exampleObject->name = 'Dolores Abernathy';

// Will print: Dolores Abernathy.
print $exampleObject->name . "\n";

// You can also pass an array when creating the object defining the object's attributes.
$anotherExampleObject = new ExampleClass([
    'name' => 'Dolores Abernathy',
    'email' => 'dolores.abernathy@hosts.ww'

// Will print: Dolores Abernathy (dolores.abernathy@hosts.ww)
print $anotherExampleObject->name;
print ' ';
print '(' . $anotherExampleObject->email . ")\n";

Attributes Accessors

If you need to modify the way you access the object's attribute, you can write an accessor in the object extending the MagicObject.

The example below creates a object with name and CNPJ. The accessor in the ExampleClass will try to return the CPF of the object, since it doesn't exists a CNPJ will be returned.



use TarsisioXavier\MagicObject\MagicObject;

class ExampleClass extends MagicObject
    public function getDocumentAttribute()
        return $this->cpf ?? $this->cnpj;

// CPF and CNPJ are types of civilian registers in Brazil.
// These were randomly generated in the website: https://www.4devs.com.br/gerador_de_pessoas
$exampleObject = new ExampleClass([
    'name' => 'Dolores Abernathy',
    'cnpj' => '38.789.452/0001-77',

// The object don't have any CPF, so it'll print the CNPJ instead.
print $exampleObject->document . "\n";

Attributes Mutators

When you want to modify the data before filling your object, there is a option to write a mutator to this specific(s) attribute(s).

The example below will receive a DateTime object and will transform it into a simple string carring only the year, month, day, the hour and the minutes from the value (parameter) informed.



use TarsisioXavier\MagicObject\MagicObject;

class ExampleClass extends MagicObject
    public function setDateAttribute($value)
        $this->attributes['date'] = $value->format('Y-m-d H:i');

$datetime = new \DateTime('now');

$object = new ExampleClass(['date' => $datetime]);

// Will print only the the year-month-day hour:minute.
print $object->date . "\n";

$anotherObject = new ExampleClass();
$anotherObject->date = $datetime;

// Same output.
print $object->date . "\n";

Bootable Traits (Work in progress...)


Run all the tests executing composer test, if you want specific test to run, try: composer test -- --filter <the_test_you_want>.

Composer's script 'test' uses the Pest PHP for a better UI experience.

You can also run the tests using ./vendor/bin/phpunit or ./vendor/bin/pest.