
AAL3 Android Assignment FamPay

Primary LanguageJava


AAL3 Android Assignment

NOTE: APK is atttached to the repo named as "app-debug.apk"

TimeLine I followed


Application Screens

Libraries/Dependencies Used:

  • Retrofit
  • Moshi
  • Epoxy
  • Glide
  • SwipeRefreshLayout
  • DataBinding
  • Androidx Lifecycle

My Progress at the time of Submission

Task Completed:

  • All deep links (card, CTAs, Formatted Text entities) should be handled.
  • In the API, almost every component has its own URL/deep link that is used to trigger action on click.
  • Click on Big Display Card (HC3) is sliding to the right and displaying action buttons as per the design.
  • On tapping the "remind later" action on a card, it should be removed from the display. This card should be shown on the next app start.
  • On tapping the "dismiss now" action, it should be removed from the display. This card would never be visible again as the state is saved in shared Preference.
  • Implement swipe down to refresh feature
  • Handle loading and error states with errors are logged on the console
  • Write structured code with flexible and reusable components using Epoxy with data binding to replace the large and hectic handling of multiple adapters
  • Tried to match the design as closely as possible to the one on Figma

Some Issues Left:

  • On click is used in place of LongPress.
  • HC9 height value is not added - it is wrapped content instead
  • isScrollable = false is not handled – the same UI for both cases.
  • Gradients are not added