
money manager

google drive

Before we start, you can take a look at the app:


Implemented Features

  • Show Transactions.

  • Categorise different methods of spending (eg Food, Entertainment etc...) and option to add custom Categories.

  • Use Hive for storing data locally.

  • Statistics on spendings.

  • implemmented Created and delete functionalities with hive

  • Implemented statistics on only transaction basis

  • Used provider for state management

planned and unimplemented features

  • Showing bar graphs for spending.
  • Editing data in hive.
  • Implementing statistics on monthly and yearly basis.
  • Planned to display total account balance of the user in one of the screens.

List of known bugs

  • Can not clear the local list in one of the screen when it is dismissed
  • Watchboxbuilder is depricated so I used value listenable builder and consumer.



Directory Structure

The project directory structure is as follows:


Operating system - Windows 10

Design tools - Microsoft white board