
Primary LanguageKotlin

News App

Introduction: Android app which allows us to read news along with displaying the sorted news from newest to oldest and vice versa. Also, it tries to display some demo notifications when the app is foreground and background.

Technology used:

  • Two activities : One for splash screen and other for displaying news articles using fragments
  • Navigation component (including safe args)
  • Kotlin, Coroutines
  • MVVM architecture, Live Data
  • View Binding
  • Web View - for displaying news details within an app through a web browser
  • Android system web api's - Http Url Connection (an okhttp client which helps us make us of http or http(s) protocols to make use of web services)
  • Shimmer Layout - As sort of displaying loading state for better UI/UX
  • Firebase Notification Composer GUI - Firebase console which helps us send notifications and test on our target android devices.
  • Firebase Messaging Service - A service which helps the target client to receive the notifications