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3d model viewer sample flutter app
This is a collection of applications programmed by me with Flutter along with general and partial commits in each project. This collection will be updated weekly and monthly and various other projects will be added to it. In addition, each project is available as separate repositories in my profile.
An application similar to Instagram that has all the desired pages. In addition, the focus of this application is the ui, which is very modern and attractive.
The Offline Monews application has two pages and is a suitable application for showing news with categories and details. In the hot news section of the home page, by clicking on any news, you can see its details in the same way that this operation, with Similar code can be implemented for other parts. The UI of this application is eye-catching and different and designed by the designer.
Netflix offline application is implemented and designed exactly like the main application. Another very important point in the design of this application is its ability to be responsive in mobile, web and desktop output. In a way, it can be said that this application is completely responsive.
It is an multiplayer application that is actually an X-O game. The UI is modern and attractive. And the game has a timer in each set and choice. In this project, you can get to know programming logic well.
Weatherman is an online weather application that works using API. And it has the capabilities of searching, changing the theme of the application and widely used widgets.
Tasbeat's Repositories
Netflix offline application is implemented and designed exactly like the main application. Another very important point in the design of this application is its ability to be responsive in mobile, web and desktop output. In a way, it can be said that this application is completely responsive.
CryptoApp is an online application that works with API. On the main page of the application, you will see a long list of crypto currencies, with specific details of their status for each currency. Also, this application has the ability to search.
This android application is similar to the weak Quiz of King. In fact, we are witnessing the main mechanism, not the details. When the user enters, a number of default test questions appear for the user, and after selecting the desired question and hitting the answer button, the correct or incorrect answer is determined and the next question can be referred to. And at the end, right and wrong answers are displayed
a simple offline app that concentrates on UI, designing pages, learning widgets, etc.
It is an multiplayer application that is actually an X-O game. The UI is modern and attractive. And the game has a timer in each set and choice. In this project, you can get to know programming logic well.
This project is built on API and its main focus is API. Also, the API of this android application is taken from the famous open weather map site and used. It also has a relatively good design. And displays weather conditions and information correctly. In this project, an attempt has been made to implement access points and connection of the application to the Internet. Modeling should also be used
This is a simple android application This application receives an entry from the user as the date of birth and calculates the age of the person. It also converts that age into minutes and displays it to the user. And according to the age of the person displays a related feature. Details are also observed in this application. But it is a beginner program.
The Android calculator project includes an almost complete calculator. An attempt has been made to implement almost all the logic related to the calculator in this project. This is a simple and beginner project. The design and implementation of the application appearance is not advanced and is designed with moderate and routine techniques. But many methods have been implemented. This project emphasizes more mastery of logic and various programming techniques.
A simple application to understand the concept of API and work with it and the required packages.
a simple offline app that can show your CV and it concentrates on UI, learning widgets, etc.
A simple program with a simple user interface that is programmed using the library and is able to deliver 6 different types of sounds to the user.
How to build a Match-3 game, like Candy Crush, Bejeweled, FishDom… in Flutter.
The offline quiz application shows you various questions that you, as a participant, can answer by selecting the desired option and finally see the result of your questionnaire. If you have problems with logic, the codes of this project are very helpful. At the same time, you will learn important widgets.
rock paper scissors game
Weatherman is an online weather application that works using API. And it has the capabilities of searching, changing the theme of the application and widely used widgets.