
SkyView - your trusted weather companion :)

Primary LanguageDart


Our very first flutter project! hehe ( n U n )

Features :

- View Current Temperature, weather and weather details.
- View 3days weather Forecast.
- View hourly weather forecast of the day.
- Search up City/location/Country to view weather details and forecast of the location.
- Add City/location as favourite for quick-view.
- View event calender.
- Add events to specific date in event calender.
- SkyBuddy, a weather cahtbot to make user experience more interesting.
- FAQ section 

Screenshots :

Home Screen

Add favourite city


Search up Locations

Event Calender

User Friendly Chatbot

FAQ Section


  1. To get access to weather gifs, please go to your 'weather_bg.dart' file ( '.../.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dev/flutter_weather_bg_null_safety-1.0.0/lib/bg/weather_bg.dart' ) and add the below code in 'WeatherItemBg' class :

String _getWeatherGif() { switch (weatherType) { case WeatherType.sunny: return 'assets/sunny_day.gif'; case WeatherType.sunnyNight: return 'assets/sunny_night.gif'; case WeatherType.cloudy: return 'assets/cloudy.gif'; case WeatherType.cloudyNight: return 'assets/cloudy_night.gif'; case WeatherType.overcast: return 'assets/overcast_night.gif'; case WeatherType.lightRainy: return 'assets/rain_light.gif'; case WeatherType.middleRainy: return 'assets/rain_medium.gif'; case WeatherType.heavyRainy: return 'assets/rain_heavy.gif'; case WeatherType.thunder: return 'assets/thunderstorm.gif'; case WeatherType.lightSnow: return 'assets/snow_light.gif'; case WeatherType.middleSnow: return 'assets/snow_medium.gif'; case WeatherType.heavySnow: return 'assets/snow_heavy.gif'; case WeatherType.foggy: return 'assets/fog.gif'; case WeatherType.hazy: return 'assets/mist.gif'; case WeatherType.dusty: return 'assets/dusty.gif'; default: return 'assets/default.gif'; // Default GIF when the weather type is unknown } }

  1. Install the Firebase CLI via npm by running the following command:

npm install -g firebase-tools