
DwC mapping of RATO vwz occurrences

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT

funding fetch-data mapping and testing


This repository contains the functionality to standardize the occurrences data of RATO vzw to a Darwin Core Archive that can be harvested by a GBIF IPT.


fetch data from WFS → save them as local source data → Darwin Core mapping script → generated Darwin Core files

Published dataset

Repo structure

The repository structure is based on Cookiecutter Data Science and the Checklist recipe. Files and directories indicated with GENERATED should not be edited manually.

├── README.md              : Description of this repository
├── LICENSE                : Repository license
├── rato-occurrences.Rproj : RStudio project file
├── .gitignore             : Files and directories to be ignored by git
├── .github                
│   ├── PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md : Pull request template
│   └── workflows
│   │   ├── fetch-data.yaml    : GitHub action to fetch raw data
│   │   └── mapping_and_testing.yaml : GitHub action to map data to DwC and perform some tests on the Dwc output
├── src
│   ├── fetch_data.Rmd     : Fetching data script
│   ├── dwc_mapping.Rmd    : Darwin Core mapping script
│   ├── run_fetch_data.R   : R script to run code in fetch_data.Rmd in an automatic way within a GitHub action
│   ├── run_dwc_mapping.R  : R script to run code in dcw_mapping.Rmd in an automatic way within a GitHub action
│   └── install_packages.R : R script to install all needed packages
└── data
│   ├── raw                : Fetched data
│   └── processed          : Darwin Core output of mapping script GENERATED


  1. Clone this repository to your computer
  2. Open the RStudio project file
  3. Run install_packages.R to install any required packages
  4. Open fetch_data.Rmd R Markdown file in RStudio to fetch data manually
  5. Open the dwc_mapping.Rmd R Markdown file in RStudio to map data to DwC manually
  6. Click Run > Run All to generate the processed data


MIT License for the code and documentation in this repository. The included data is released under another license.