
This is a simple interface to showcase ElevenLabs text-to-speech API with word highlighting/syncronization using Laravel and Vue.js. As used for Tavern of Azoth AI Campaigns.

Primary LanguagePHP

  ______     _           
 |  ____|   | |          
 | |__   ___| |__   ___  
 |  __| / __| '_ \ / _ \ 
 | |___| (__| | | | (_) |
 |______\___|_| |_|\___/                         


This is a simple interface to showcase ElevenLabs text-to-speech API with word highlighting/syncronization using Laravel and Vue.js.

Project Dependencies

  • Laravel
  • Docker
  • Vue3
  • TailwindCSS (Not strictly necessary but I always use TailwindCSS for my projects)
  • textalk/websocket (ElevenLabs text-to-speech API only returns timestamps for word highlighting via a websocket connection)
  • AWS S3 (for storing audio files)
  • MySQL (for storing audio metadata)

Environment Variables

Ensure these environment variables are set in your .env file:

  • ELEVENLABS_API_KEY (ElevenLabs text-to-speech API key)
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID (AWS S3 access key)
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (AWS S3 secret access key)
  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION (AWS S3 default region)
  • AWS_BUCKET (AWS S3 bucket name)
  • DB_CONNECTION (Database connection)
  • DB_HOST (Database host)
  • DB_PORT (Database port)
  • DB_DATABASE (Database name)

API Endpoints

POST /api/text-to-speech (Creates an audio file)

GET /api/audio/{id} (Downloads the .mp3 audio file)

GET /api/audio/{id}/data (Returns the word timestamps for the audio file)

Audio Data Structure

  "id": "5b492e71-3c40-4480-a006-bdba0572ba0d",
  "url": "http://localhost/api/audio/5b492e71-3c40-4480-a006-bdba0572ba0d.mp3",
  "text": "Welcome brave travellers.",
  "timestamps": {
    "words": ["Welcome", "brave", "travellers."],
    "start_times": [46, 441, 685]


Application Example Image

Use in Tavern of Azoth
