
this project about loading table from source (operational database) to dimentions datawarehouse using SSIS (Sql Server Integration Services) tool for integration and ETL processes while I study course from Pluralsight: Designing Data Warehouse on Microsoft SQL Server Platform

Steps made for loading data from source to Datawarehouse:

  1. Get current date
  2. Update lineage table which tracks of new table will be loaded: start_load, finish_load, previous_loadDate, status of load (in progress or finished), type (full load or incrmental load). 3.Truncate staging table (delete data itself from table to able to load new data)
  3. Loading into Staging table between two specific dates.
  4. Transfer data from staging table into dimention.

Part of HappyScoopers_SSIS projest ssis

Hint1: Dataset needed first to make a project here Dataset

Hint2: Course Tutorial: slides & demos