
Flutter Easy Getx Implementations .

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter Easy GetX


People ask me how I manage state,dependency,routes etc when I work with flutter,Here is the Simple Brief About GetX which I used for Dummy Basic Ecommerce Concept based flutter app development . Here I cover

  • State Management
  • Route Management
  • Dependency Management
  • Internationalization
  • Storage

Getting Started


dependencies: get: ^4.3.0

get_storage: ^2.0.3


  • flutter pub add get

Executing program

  • State Management
class Purchase extends GetxController {
  var products = <Product>[].obs;

obs to observe the products that can be changed. similarly when any user will do add to cart it needs to be observed so

class DemoController extends GetxController {
  var cartItems = <Product>[].obs;
  int get cartCount => cartItems.length;

For More Check Out the Controller and Home.dart and Demo.dart

  • Route Management

Initialize the routes in main.dart

  routes: {
          //routes for named navigation
          '/': (context) => HomePage(),
          '/cart': (context) => DemoPage(),

Now You can called By named route using getX.

                      onPressed: () => Get.toNamed('/cart',
                              "Home Page To Demo Page -> Passing arguments"), //sending arguments 
                      icon: Icon(
                        color: Colors.white,

  • Dependency Management handle controller for Dependency Injection (Controller).
  final var ctrl = Get.put(DemoController());

After you add this once in your project you can find it out , you dont need to re connect it again and again Just Use Get.find()

 final DemoController ctrl = Get
      .find(); //getting the cart controller , you can show amount or anything

  • Internationalization

Change Theme or Language Easily . here is the demo main.dart

void main() async {
  await GetStorage.init();

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  // This widget is the root of your application.
  final DemoController ctrl = Get.put(DemoController());
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SimpleBuilder(builder: (_) {
      // for darkmode instant change
      return GetMaterialApp(
        //for navigation dont forget to use GetMaterialApp
        title: 'Easy GetX',
        theme: ctrl.theme,
        debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
        initialRoute: '/',
        routes: {
          //routes for named navigation
          '/': (context) => HomePage(),
          '/cart': (context) => DemoPage(),


in the controller End :

 bool get isDark => storage.read('darkmode') ?? false;
  ThemeData get theme => isDark ? ThemeData.dark() : ThemeData.light();
  void changeTheme(bool val) => storage.write('darkmode', val);


to trigger it from anywhere [Checkout the DemoPage.dart file]

              value: ctrl.isDark,
              title: Text("Touch to change ThemeMode"),
              onChanged: ctrl.changeTheme,

  • Storage [alternative of shared preference] Just need to Write GetStorage();
  final storage = GetStorage();
  bool get isDark => storage.read('darkmode') ?? false;
  ThemeData get theme => isDark ? ThemeData.dark() : ThemeData.light();
  void changeTheme(bool val) => storage.write('darkmode', val);


If you need any help regarding this

