
An open source, django alternative to AnyOrigin.com and WhateverOrigin.org

Primary LanguageHTML

Django implementation of anyorigin.com
Uses Django, requests lib and tor

what is the difference between anyorigin.com and alloworigin.com?
Well, while alloworigin.com is open source and free to use,
anyorigin.com is closed source and not free.

whateverorigin.org is open source and free, why use alloworigin.com?
whateverorigin.org is a good alternative to anyorigin.com, but
it has not been maintained well, thus some basic functions remain broken
alloworigin.com is an attempt to fix this.
alloworigin.com is written in Django,
so all of the Django community can participate in alloworigin.com


  1. anonymous get request using tor
  2. reduce change of getting banned from a site using tor
  3. compress content using zlib [coming soon]
  4. write tests [coming soon]

basic usage

with callback

anonymous request using tor, with callback

enable base64 zlib, utf8 compatible compression http://alloworigin.com/get?url=http://example.com&compress=1

alloworigin.com may be unstable at the moment as it is on a test server