My Contributions
This repository is an archive of my contributions to the Tarkin's Revenge project. The project was moved from GitHub to BitBucket in fall 2019. Since that time the GitHub repo for Tarkin's Revenge has been reset to a point before any of the commits I made are listed, thereby erasing the pull request and commit history from GitHub. However, all of the code changes I worked on and submitted over the years are listed here in the various update/feature branches within this repo and the code can still be seen in their codebase on BitBucket as of October 2020.
I spent many hundreds of hours programming, testing, researching, learning, and openly sharing my knowledge for various Tarkin related projects between 2014 to 2020, because I wanted to be helpful. And, I was. :)
Tarkin's Revenge
A Star Wars Galaxies server, based upon SWGEmu's Core3 / Engine3. Roleplay-friendly, with a focus on quality of life, we are not your average glowbat zone.