sea-dropfrom pydub import AudioSegment

from pydub.playback import play import numpy as np

def generate_droplet_sound(): sample_rate = 44100

# Define the parameters for the droplet sound
freq = 1000  # frequency of the tone
duration_ms = 200  # duration of the droplet sound
decay_factor = 0.5  # how quickly the sound fades out

t = np.linspace(0, duration_ms / 1000, int(sample_rate * duration_ms / 1000), False)

# Create a sine wave that fades out (decays)
sine_wave = np.sin(2 * np.pi * freq * t) * np.exp(-decay_factor * t)

# Convert to 16-bit audio format
audio = np.int16(sine_wave * 32767)

# Create an audio segment from the generated tone
droplet_sound = AudioSegment(audio.tobytes(), frame_rate=sample_rate, sample_width=2, channels=1)

return droplet_sound

Generate the droplet sound

droplet_sound = generate_droplet_sound()

Play the droplet sound
