
Code for the paper "Session-based Recommendation with Temporal Dynamics for Large Volunteer Networks" published in the Journal of Intelligent Information Systems

Primary LanguagePython

Environment Settings

  • Python 2.7.18
  • Tensorflow 1.4.1
  • Pandas 1.5.1
  • Numpy 1.23.4


For experimentation, we provide raw data in the 'data' file which should be used as follows:

  1. We first run the vol_network.py where the folder containing the input file should be specified. The output is a volunteer network.
  2. The volunteer network and original file are inputs to the preprocess.py which has the following outputs:
  • train.tsv: includes volunteer historical behaviors, which is organized by pandas.Dataframe in five fields (SessionId UserId ItemId Timestamps TimeId).

  • valid.tsv: the same format as train.tsv, used for tuning hyperparameters.

  • test.tsv: the same format as test.tsv, used for testing model.

  • adj.tsv: includes links to volunteer networks, which is also organized by pandas.Dataframe in two fields (FromId, ToId).

  • latest_session.tsv: serves as 'reference' to target volunteer. This file records all volunteers available session at each time slot. For example, at time slot t, it stores volunteer v's t-1 th session.

  • user_id_map.tsv: maps original string of volunteer id to int.

  • item_id_map.tsv: maps original string of organizer id to int.

  • For shorthand and readability, we use User and Item to denote Volunteer and Organiser, respectively.

Running the code

  • All output files from preprocess.py should be put in a data folder.
  • To run the code, run sh volrec.sh



  • Please cite our paper if you use this code or data in your own work
 title={Session-based recommendation with temporal dynamics for large volunteer networks},
 author={Muvunza, Taurai and Li, Yang},
 journal={Journal of Intelligent Information Systems},