
Home assignment

Primary LanguageSmarty



  1. Create new GitHub project ✅
  2. Push any code from any language that you want (it can be hello world) ✅
  3. Write multistage DockerFile (reduce docker image size) ✅
  4. Write a helm chart for this service. ✅
  5. Create ci pipeline (with any system that you preferred) ✅
    • main branch:
      • Manage versioning — bump patch version for each commit. ✅
      • Build and push the docker to any registry (Docker hub, ecr etc.) ✅
      • Update helm chart with the new docker ✅
    • PR (both are optional):
      • Build temporary docker and scan it with Trivy
      • Scan your helm with datree/Polaris
  6. Install Argo-cd on k3s/minikube/microk8s/kind/eks etc. ✅
  7. Install your helm with Argo-cd (it needs to be managed by git and not Argo-Ul, try app-of-app pattern) ✅
  8. Push new commit and verify your CI-CD ✅
  9. Install the following application with ApplicationSet : Polaris dashboard , goldilocks ✅


  • Be creative and share/implement something cool that you familiar with it


For CI and automation I used Github Actions, before this I used it only for side projects and not for clients, so it was a new expierence.

Most time took to debug official GH Actiions for Helm chart releases. since they have some bugs and not works as you expect. Personally I prefer Kustomize since it is easier to manage. Helm charts has some limitations and currently I starto looking and CUE language and Timoni

As for apps creation and deployment I started learning about Server Side Web Assembly and Spin. And I think this is next big thing.

As for ArgoCD part I use it in one porject together with kustomize. That is a perfect case for ApplicationSet from ArgoCD but at that moment when I created it I haven't heard about it.

Everything is deploeyd on my local cluster. I will demonstrate it during call.