
About the IBM Coursera Assignment

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Docker Image CI Link to Docker Hub

Project Execution Instructions

Run the model directly

usage: model.py [-h] [-t {test, prod}] [-m {rf,et}] [-s {ss,rs}] -c COUNTRIES

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t {test, prod}, --training {test, prod}
                        Train either a test or production model. Omitting this implies loading an already-trained model
  -m {rf,et}, --model {rf,et}
                        (rf) RandomForestRegressor or (et) ExtraTreesRegressor (default)
  -s {ss,rs}, --scaler {ss,rs}
                        (ss) StandardScaler or (rs) RobustScaler (default)
  -c COUNTRIES, --countries COUNTRIES
                        Comma separated list of countries to predict revenue

Run unit tests

Run all tests

python3 run-tests.py

Model Tests

All tests: python3 -m unittest unittests/ModelTests.py

Specific test: python3 -m unittest unittests.ModelTest.test_02_load

Logger Tests

All tests: python3 -m unittest unittests/LoggerTests.py

Specific test: python3 -m unittest unittests.ModelTest.test_04_predict

API Tests

All tests: python3 -m unittest unittests/ApiTests.py

Specific test: python3 -m unittest unittests.ApiTest.test_04_predict_all

Performance monitoring

Run python3 src/monitoring.py.

API Documentation

Make sure that you run the server with python3 app.py or python3 app.py -d.

  Request type    | Key            | Description
  /train          | mode           | Training mode - test or prod
                  | query          | Query for model, must be a dict containing 
  /predict        |                | 'country','year','month','day' as keys, with their
                  |                | values as strings.
                  | mode           | Model to be used - test or prod
  /logs           | filename       | Name of log file to retrive