Hi, I’m a React Developer based on JavaScript. I'm working as web application developer on the JavaScript library React. Still i developed lot's of aplication
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A Twitter-Bot that is going to increase your followers.
Dynamic realtime profile ReadMe linked with spotify
About me
Santa Swap is the Worlds first ever Complete Defi Aggregator Web and Mobile Application built on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and its Governing token coined as Mistletoe(MISL) which governs the huge leverage and high yielding platforms and responsible for the governance of complete Santa Swap DEFI ecosystem.
This is gonna be my dream project. It is going to be a social media application. Which have full functionality & accurate design. It pretty much look like a facebook. But i bring the some kind of difference between story reels & interesting features more than facebook or etc. Tt have the real react features that, people want (non refreshable). & there has interesting time saving feature. That is one page login or register feature. [you will fill the form (with email & password) on user authentication page. and you will be able to 2 button #1 login #2 register. If you are new here then just click on the register button then it will be register automatically without any refresh, and then you will be able to login by clicking on login button] this is quit & fast.
This is the repository of about myself & describing about my skills & hobby .
This is a Demo version of Santa Swap. This Website is The Exact Copy of (Santa Swap) the Worlds first ever Complete Defi Aggregator Web and Mobile Application built on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and its Governing token coined as Mistletoe(MISL) which governs the huge leverage and high yielding platforms and responsible for the governance of complete Santa Swap DEFI ecosystem.
TawkirAlif's Repositories
Santa Swap is the Worlds first ever Complete Defi Aggregator Web and Mobile Application built on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and its Governing token coined as Mistletoe(MISL) which governs the huge leverage and high yielding platforms and responsible for the governance of complete Santa Swap DEFI ecosystem.
This is a Demo version of Santa Swap. This Website is The Exact Copy of (Santa Swap) the Worlds first ever Complete Defi Aggregator Web and Mobile Application built on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and its Governing token coined as Mistletoe(MISL) which governs the huge leverage and high yielding platforms and responsible for the governance of complete Santa Swap DEFI ecosystem.
If you are forking please do not forget to star the repo
A Twitter-Bot that is going to increase your followers.
Dynamic realtime profile ReadMe linked with spotify
About me
This is gonna be my dream project. It is going to be a social media application. Which have full functionality & accurate design. It pretty much look like a facebook. But i bring the some kind of difference between story reels & interesting features more than facebook or etc. Tt have the real react features that, people want (non refreshable). & there has interesting time saving feature. That is one page login or register feature. [you will fill the form (with email & password) on user authentication page. and you will be able to 2 button #1 login #2 register. If you are new here then just click on the register button then it will be register automatically without any refresh, and then you will be able to login by clicking on login button] this is quit & fast.
This is the repository of about myself & describing about my skills & hobby .
This is the clone of Amazon...it has pretty much full functionality. and it has the accurate front-end which we saw in Amazon.
A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS.
This is the clone of Instagram...it has pretty much full functionality. and it has the accurate front-end which we saw in Instagram.
it's an experimantal project
This is the clone of Twitter...it doesn't has not full functionality. but is has the accurate front-end which we saw in twitter.