React environment variables

note: you will need to stop and restart the 'npm start' create-react-app development environment/server to see this change

The app now has a fetch call to get the dogs programmed, but it doesn't work because of CORS

BROWSERS implement this for secrutiy reasons

To fix it, you program your server to speak to certain clients that it recognizes

[TODO: figure out what IOW server is]

IOW server uses HTTP headers and sometimes also a response to an OPTIONS request to say who is allowed to connect and what they're allowed to do

Uses SEMANTIC UI -- fun library of Graphical UI components that are very easy to use and customize

To install it,

npm install semantic-ui-css semantic-ui-react

Then index.js Add this line

import 'semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css'

before this line

`import './index.css'