
Verify periodically by Flutter package updates, to keep project packages and dependencies up-to-date.

MIT LicenseMIT

GitHub Dependency Checker/Updater for Flutter Projects

Verify periodically by updates in your Flutter Packages.
Dependencies up-to-date is safer 😁




The file dependency_checker.yml defines an GitHub Action to verify if there's package updates into your Flutter Project. If there's a package out-of-date, the action will create a Pull Request updating the package.

A dependency tree up-to-date is a best practice for security issues 😌



First Step:

Place the dependency_checker.yml file into folder .github/workflows/ (you may need to create one) - if you want to understand why, read it. The structure will look like this:

project root
└─ .github
    └─ workflows
        └─ dependency_checker.yml


Second Step:

You'll need to create a PAT (Personal Access Token). To do this, follow the GitHub official tutorial, remembering thoose things:

  1. Give Read/Write access to the token when creating
  2. The token name can be anything you want
  3. Save the generated token in a safe place, you'll need it later


Third Step:

First, go to your Project/Repository settings, into "Security" area, select the "Actions" item.

Repository Settings

Then, click in "New Repository Secret" button in top of the page.

The name of the secret must be "ACCESS_TOKEN" (without quotation marks) and his value must be the generated PAT (created in step 2).


You're done!


The action will be executed once a day, at 12:00 AM UTC 🕒

You can update this value as you need, changing the schedule cron in the dependency_checker.yml file.

To do this, you need to change the "cron" value in this part of the script. You can use the Cronitor Crontab to create a custom schedule, as needed by you.

    - cron: "0 0 * * *"