Example Azure function custom handlers with go.
Used to log in to azure and provision the required resource group, storage, and function app
Used to test function locally simulating Azure runtime environment as well as deploy the application bundle.
Used to compress the function binary to reduce upload time at the cost of slower function start up.
Creating a resource group
az group create --name az-scrapper-rg --location eastus
Creating a storage account
az storage account create --name azscrapperstorage --location eastus --resource-group az-scrapper-rg --sku Standard_LRS --allow-blob-public-access false
Creating a functionapp
az functionapp create -g az-scrapper-rg -n az-scrapper -s azscrapperstorage --consumption-plan-location eastus --runtime custom --functions-version 4 --disable-app-insights
NOTE: functionapp name must contain only uppercase, lowercase numbers and dashes, or you will get the exception
The parameter WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE has an invalid value.