Bookmark Manager

Makers Academy Weekly Challenge No. 4


  • It shows a list of links from the database
  • New links can be added
  • Links can be tagged
  • Links can be filtered by a tag
As an Internet user,
So that I can return to interesting websites,
I'd like to see a list of links from the database

As an Internet user,
So that I can save a website to access it later,
I'd like add a link to the database

As an Internet user,
So that I can better organise my bookmarks,
I'd like to tag links stored in the database

As an Internet user,
So that I can find a particular website more quickly,
I'd like to see a list of links from the database filtered by their tag

Domain model

Objects Messages State
User log_in; Username
Weblinks add_tag; Tags
Database save_link; find_link Links

Understanding CRUD

Defines CRUD
  • Create, read, update and delete (as an acronym CRUD) are the four basic functions of persistent storage
Defines SQL
  • SQL stands for Structured Query Language and it is the standard language for relational database management
Give SQL examples for each CRUD action
CRUD Action SQL Example
Create INSERT INTO table_name (column_one) VALUES (value_one);
Read SELECT * FROM table_name;
Update UPDATE table_name SET column_one = value_one WHERE [condition];
Delete DELETE FROM table_name WHERE [condition];