

1. Requirements

To use this project you need ...
Kubernetes (kubectl)
kubectl node-shell

2. Preparation

  1. Build the docker images and push them into your docker registry.
  2. Update the kubernetes yaml files to match with your docker images.
    backend/Dockerfile -> kubernetes/backend/backend.yaml (line 22 "image: <yourBackendImage>")
    frontend/Dockerfile -> kubernetes/frontend/frontend.yaml (line 22 "image: <yourFrontendImage>")
    recorder/Dockerfile -> kubernetes/recorder/recorder.yaml (line 18 "image: <yourRecorderImage>")

3. Installation

Automatic installation:

We provide a script that does the installation fully automatically. To use it ...

  1. Give all the "*.sh" scripts in the main directory execution permissions.
chmod +x install.sh changeDatabaseCredentials.sh applyDeploymentsAndServices.sh sd.sh
  1. Open the install.sh file with a text editor of your choise. Change the variables on the top of the File to match your local conditions or preferences.
  2. Then run the "install.sh" script in the main directory. (Please execute it while you are in the main directory! The execution while you are in another directory can cause problems!)

Manual installation:

  1. Install the MongoDB. (Prefered to use HELM for this task)
  2. Update the credentials for the MongoDB in the kubernetes/backend/config-map-backend.yaml and
  3. Run the kubernetes files in the kubernetes directory and sub folders. (Run the config-map's and secrets first!)

4. Usage

The IP to reach the Service (21/02/03) is
Username: WVWZZZ1KZDP045466
Password: rootPass123!

The one simulated car has the vin vw00t3jwf8wf3f90jowj

5. Swagger

Cause some problems is the Swagger-UI only reachable, if you run the backend local. To get the information witout running it local we provide a swagger.json that you can find in the adlBackend directory.