Eslint Config

Getting Started

First, install the package with your preferred package manager

npm install @tbhesswebber/eslint-config

⚠️Note: make sure that you install the peer dependencies for whichever configuration you are using (see below).

Next, add the config to your Eslint config via the extends property (see the official documentation here).

    "extends": ["@tbhesswebber"]

If using a named config, make sure that you use @tbhesswebber/eslint-config/<config-name>



This is the default config and it is the same as using core, but without @tbhesswebber/eslint-config/format, which you should apply yourself (if you want to use it). Effectively, you should use this configuration if you have additional configurations to extend that take precedence over this one and need to apply the formatting rules at the end.

Peer Dependencies

You can manually install all of the peer dependencies from every configuration below or use the install-peerdeps package via npx install-peerdeps -D @tbhesswebber/eslint-config


This configuration is intended to be a complete "extends" clause for a standard JavaScript project (see note for TypeScript or React projects). This is generally satisfactory for getting a project bootstrapped quickly, kicking the can of loosening the configuration or making it more targeted to the current project down the road.

⚠️Note: If you are using TypeScript and/or React, you should use the default configuration alongside the typescript/react and format configurations instead of this one.

Peer Dependencies

  • eslint-plugin-unicorn
  • eslint-config-airbnb-base
  • eslint-plugin-eslint-comments
  • eslint-plugin-import


This config is exclusively for formatting configurations and should always appear last in your extends array.

Peer Dependencies

  • eslint-plugin-prettier
  • eslint-config-prettier
  • prettier


This config enables a highly opinionated set of rules for TypeScript. This will be much slower to run without a cache, which shouldn't be an issue for IDEs, but may have an impact on CI costs.

Peer Dependencies

  • typescript
  • @typescript-eslint/parser
  • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
  • eslint-import-resolver-typescript
  • eslint-plugin-import


This config enables a number of rules for React projects, including warnings on possible security and performance problems.

Peer Dependencies

  • eslint-config-airbnb
  • eslint-plugin-import
  • eslint-plugin-react
  • eslint-plugin-react-hooks
  • eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y