
Introductory lesson to the Webpack basics.

Intro To Webpack

👋 Welcome to the master branch! 👋

Using this Repository

  • We are using Webpack 4.x and may release a new version of this tutorial with future versions of Webpack.
  • The true "entry-point" for any branch is the README.md - I would take a look at that before looking at anything else.
  • Each branch starts where the solution branch for the previous lesson ends unless otherwise specified.
  • This repository is devoloped for git-based navigation, so we've provided some shortcuts!
    • next lesson - npm run next
    • toggle code/solution branch - npm run this
    • previous lesson - npm run previous
  • This master branch will install most of the non-webpack dependencies you need.
    • Run npm install if you haven't yet!
    • You will have to install the webpack-related dependencies when we get to that point
    • Robby 🤖 will let you know when you need to add a dependency.

Branch List

⚠️ The branch list will be at the bottom of this file on every branch

Topic Code Branch Solution Branch
No Config 1/code 1/solution
Entry & Output 2/code 2/solution
Modes & Functional Configs 3/code 3/solution
Transpiling JS(X) 4/code 4/solution
Bundling CSS 5/code 5/solution
Dev Server 6/code 6/solution
Hot Module Replacement & Plugins 7/code 7/solution
Source Maps 8/code 8/solution
Code Splitting 9/code 9/solution
Webpack Merge 10/code 10/solution