
R code for dissertation on Bayesian networks

Primary LanguageR


Bayesian network structure learning from incomplete data using Node-Average Likelihood R code and experimental results

R code:

  • Scoring.R: Implements NAL scoring.
  • Fit DAG.R: Implements algorithms for fitting with known and unknown ordering. Also implements parametric and structural EM and a function for bootstrapping DAGs.
  • Experiments.R: Implements functions necessary to run computational experiments.
  • Analysis.R: Code to configures and run experiments and process results.
  • MEHRA functions.R: Implements functions necessary for MEHRA analysis.
  • MEHRA analysis.R: Script for MEHRA analysis.
  • Tests.R: Integration tests for key functions.

Experimental results:

  • Result_ordered.RDS: results for experiment with known node ordering
  • Result_unordered.RDS: results for experiment with unknown node ordering
  • Result_em.RDS: results for comparison of NAL and Structural EM