
Random number generator for some specific statistic distributions, including uniform, normal, etc.

Primary LanguageFortran


Random Number Generator for some specific statistic distributions, including uniform, normal, etc.


The MIT License


Tche LIU, seistche@gmail.com, USTC


Although the statically compiled binary executable file rngen is available on Linux platform, you can compile the source file rngen.F90 on your system as follow:

$ gfortran rngen.F90 -o rngen


$ ifort rngen.F90 -DIFORT -o rngen


Help info. can be obtained by ./rngen -h:

Usage: rngen [-v IsVerbose] [-s IsSilent] [ -uni unia,unib | -nor norMu,norSigma ] [-m MulprScale] [-i IncrmValue] [-p DecimalNum] [-d Len2Dim]
  [IsVerbose     ]: print verbose warning and help information (T) or not (F).
  [IsSilent      ]: print configure parameter (F) or not (T).
  [unia,unib     ]: uniform distribution on the interval [unia, unib].
  [norMu,norSigma]: normal distribution with mean norMu and variance norSigma.
  [MulprScale    ]: original random number multiplied by MulprScale to scale.
  [IncrmValue    ]: intermediary random number added by IncrmValue to shift.
  [DecimalNum    ]: number of the decimal places to be reserved.
  [Len2Dim       ]: dimension lengths of 2-D output array: dim1_len,dim2_len

As shown above, to generate a $5\times 3$ array of uniform-distributed random number on the interval $[10, 20]$ and reserve two decimal places, we can run:

$ ./rngen -uni 1,2 -m 10 -p 2 -d 5,3

Similarly, to generate a $1\times 20$ array of normal-distributed random number with $\mu=10$ and $\sigma=1$, we can run:

$ ./rngen -nor 10,1 -d 1,20