A simple but elegant weather web app made with react + vite.
You can select a city in the search reslts or favorites menu to see the current weather status and a 3 days forecast.
You can search for other cities and add it as favorite.
Here are all your favorites cities you marked on search results, to change between them faster.
Here you can change the configs of the app, now you can only change the temperature units (Celsius/Farenheit) and measure units (Miles/Kilometers).
This app uses Vite + SWC. A minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
The weather services are provided by Free Weather Api.
- Axios
- Clsx
- Framer Motion
- Free Weather Api
- TailwindCSS
- Vite
- React Hook Form
- React Hot Toast
- Use-debounce
- Zustand
- NodeJS 20.13.1 with pnpm enbled
corepack enable pnpm
- Vite
pnpm create vite
First execute this command to restore dependencies
pnpm i
Then create your .env file
VITE_KEY = Your api key provided by Free Weather Api team
VITE_URL = https://api.weatherapi.com/v1/ # The Free Weather API url to access the api's endpoints
pnpm dev
Icons used in the app: Weather Icons - Community by Neelesh Chaudhary.