The data-set is quite heavy, therefore it's not included in the repository. It is available at the following DropBox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/437kh0cx8j3nv8y/travel_manager.sql.zip?dl=0. The download might take several minutes. Unzip the file and import it on your DBMS. For SequelPRO on MacOS the procedure is the following: create a new database, then click file -> import and select the unzipped .sql file you downloaded. Again, it might take some time.
Fork and clone the repository, then import the project on your IDE
Put your DBMS login informations at line 20 and line 21 in the DBConnect class, located inside the it.polito.tdp.TravelManager.db package.
If you chose a different database name than "travel_manager", change the string at line 12 in the DBConnect class.
Run the Main class to start the application. After it's started, press "Load" to load the DB informations on the application. You can now use the software as you desire
A brief tutorial video in italian is available at the following YouTube link: https://youtu.be/DXojfuG4Ka8