
Implement a calculator service using remote procedure call (SUN RPC package) as discussed in the live sessions, which takes 2 integer arguments as inputs and performs the following operations: 1. Addition of two numbers. 2. Multiplication of two numbers. 3. Subtraction of two numbers. 4. Division of two numbers. 5. Remainder of two numbers (First Number % Second Number). 6. Check if the first number (argument) is a prime number (For example, if the input is 23 and 10, then output should be 1 (or yes)). Code for the above functionalities is given below (.x IDL file, client.c, and server.c files). Your task is to add the following additional functionalities into the given program: 7. Check if both the input arguments are even or both are odd. Display “Yes” if both are either even or both are odd, else display “No”. 8. Pl. ensure proper error checks like, if the input arguments are not integers then the server should respond back with an error message as “arguments are not of valid type”.

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