Primary LanguagePython


For single gpu, or debugging purposes, use python train_image_variation.py


For multi-gpu training, before starting, please run accelerate config to set parallel configurations. Or you can directly go to /pfs/mt-1oY5F7/luoyihao/.cache/huggingface/accelerate/default_config.yaml to change them.


In which compute environment are you running? This machine
Which type of machine are you using? Multi-gpu
How many different machines will you use (use more than 1 for multi-node training)? [1]: 1
Should distributed operations be checked while running for errors? This can avoid timeout issues but will be slower. [yes/NO]: yes
Do you wish to optimize your script with torch dynamo?[yes/NO]:NO
Do you want to use DeepSpeed? [yes/NO]: NO
Do you want to use FullyShardedDataParallel? [yes/NO]: NO
Do you want to use Megatron-LM ? [yes/NO]: NO

Check available gpus first and then set them, you may need to change numebr of gpus and gpu list while training

How many GPU(s) should be used for distributed training? [1]:4

What GPU(s) (by id) should be used for training on this machine as a comma-seperated list? [all]:0,1,2,3

Do you wish to use FP16 or BF16 (mixed precision)? fp16
After setting everything, start train with accelerate launch train_image_variation.py

Training Configs

All training configs are stored in 'GNN3D/configs/training_config'.


  • Before training or debugging, please change the wandb_args's entity to yours in training configs, logging and validation part.
  • For training code with annotations, refer to train_image_variation.py from row 502 in main() function.


Refer to GNN3D/data/mvds.py, which contains a dataset class for multi-view diffusion.

For each batch, the dataset should return

  • image_cond: [bsz, channel, height, width] The raw image which the model conditions on
  • image_target: [bsz, num_views, channel, height, width] The raw image which the model wish to generate, i.e y_pred
  • normal_target: [bsz, num_views, channel, height, width] The raw normal image which the model wish to generate, i.e. y_pred in another domain.
  • image_cond_vae: [bsz, channel, height, width] The processed image that are ready for vae to process.
  • image_cond_CLIP: [bsz, channel, height, width] The processed image that are ready for CLIPImageProcessor to proecess.
  • image_target_vae: [bsz, num_views, channel, height, width] The processed image that are ready for vae to encode.
  • normal_target_vae: [bsz, num_views, channel, height, width] The processed normal image that are ready for vae to encode.
  • camera_embed_image: [bsz, num_views, 10] The embedded camera_embedding and domain switcher for the image data. (Has length 10 according to wonder3d)
  • camera_embed_normal: [bsz, num_views, 10] The embedded camera_embedding and domain switcher for normal data.

Num_views setting and batch_size setting

Since attention is performed inside num_views data, the real batch size is larger than the setting. For example, if num_views = 6, and batch size is set to 2. Then the real batch size fed into network is num_views*2*batch_size, in order to be compatible with cd_attention_mid or cd_attention_last is True in unet's config.