
(Un)official beamer theme for easterhegg2019 powered by C3W

Primary LanguageTeX


(Un)official beamer theme for easterhegg2019 powered by C3W


The font is created using the Letters designed by @Columbia19@Twitter. Those are roughly adjusted. The missing letters currently are supplied using the Libertinus Sans Regular Libertinus Repo. Those are licensed via OFL, you can find in between the style files. Feel free to add letter designs for missing glyphs or improve the Kerning. Therefore the fontforge project is uploaded here as well.


The Logo also was provided by @Columbia19@Twitter and we received the permission to publish it with the theme.


See demonstration file. In case you receive an error about some metropolis-theme specific commands being undefined, eithe update your TeX distribution or simply et the current metropolis relase into your working directory. https://ctan.org/pkg/beamertheme-metropolis?lang=de