
GoodError is a Python library that enhances exception handling, including integration with GPT-3 for additional context.

Primary LanguagePython

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GoodError Documentation

The GoodError library provides an improved exception handling mechanism in Python. It allows you to enhance the output of exceptions, including sending them to GPT-3 for additional context.


To install GoodError, use pip:

pip install gooderror


Here's an example of how to use GoodError:

from gooderror import GoodError


x = "SADfsadf" + 5

# GoodError will enhance the exception output and will add COLORS!
#<module>, TypeError(Can only concatenate str (not "int") to str)
#main, Line 82 -> m = "SADfsadf" + 5

Class: GoodError

The GoodError class provides the following attributes and methods:


  • gpt_key (str): Your GPT API key.
  • use_colors (bool): Whether to use colors in the output.

GPT3.5 Usage

Import the GoodError class and initialize it with your GPT API key.

from gooderror import GoodError

# Initialize GoodError with your GPT API key

result = 0/0

#<module>, ZeroDivisionError(Division by zero)
#main, Line 80 -> result = 0/0

#Waiting for GPT to respond...

#The error "ZeroDivisionError" is raised when you try to divide a number by zero in Python. Division by zero is not defined in mathematics, hence this error is generated to indicate an invalid operation.
#To fix this error, you need to make sure you do not divide a number by zero. If the denominator can potentially be zero in your code, you can add a check to handle this scenario using an if condition. For example:

#    result = 0/0
#except ZeroDivisionError:
#    print("Cannot divide by zero")

#In this case, if the division operation encounters a ZeroDivisionError, it will be caught by the except block, which will then print the error message.