
A web application - a team project for Telerik Software Academy, course End-to-End JavaScript Application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Team Members

  • Adrian Apostolov
  • Chavdar Angelov
  • Nikolay Mishev

Secret Agent Service

Web site for connecting Secret Agents and Commisioners.

Applicataion Logic

  • Users can register as Agents or Commisioners
  • Administrators are initially seeded
  • Users (Admins) can delete missions and any other users
  • Agents can enroll into mission, view mission details and to send messages to everyone else.
  • Commisioners can create missions and interact with the other users.
  • There is public availible data such as bassic info about Missions, Agents and Commisioners
  • Live chat for easier communication between registred users
  • Private messgaes are offered as well
  • Server side paging and sorting;

RESTful API Overview

HTTP Method Web service endpoint Description
GET (for admin) /api/users Gets all users
POST (public) /api/users Adds new user
PUT (for registered) /api/users Updates user profile
GET (for registered) /profile/edit Loads html section for updating user
GET (public) /missions Gets all public missions
GET (for registered) /missions/add Loads html section for creating mission
POST (for registered) /missions/add Creates a new mission
GET (for registered) /missions/details/:id Get mission details
POST (for registered) /missions/details/:id Agent accepts the mission
GET (for admin) /admin Gets admin panel
DELETE (for admin) /missions/:id Deletes the given mission
DELETE (for admin) /users/:id Deletes the given user
GET (public) /users/agents Gets public information about agents
GET (public) /users/commissioners Gets public information about commissioners
GET (for registered) /users/details/:id Gets user details
GET (for registered) /messages/inbox Gets all messages to the given user
GET (for registered) /messages/outbox Gets all messages sent by the given user
GET (for registered) /messages/send/:username Loads the page for sending messages
POST (for registered) /messages/send/:username Sends message to the given user
GET (for registered) /chat Gets the chat screen
POST (public) /login Logs the user into the website
POST (for registered) /logout Logs out the user
GET (public) / Shows the homescreen

Repo of Team-3-Telerik Link to GitHub

Telereik-Academy Season 2015-2016