A 2D point and click adventure using Kaboom.js. The game starts with the player waking up and finding themselves in the basement of an abandoned mansion. The player would need to navigate the whole mansion looking for clues to escape, while avoiding an evil ghost. Friendly ghosts are placed throughout the mansion to help you escape.

Diagram of Mansion


- Tool / Item Selection:

  • Click on the item icon in your invetory to select the item. Cursor will change into that icon to show its been selected.
  • Click cancel icon to deselect it

- Options menu

  • Player can save the game using local storgae and resume at save point at a later time. They can also save the game using a URL link which they can then use to play the game on a different device.
  • Player can adjust BGM and SFX volumes separately to their personal preference.

Other libraries used:
Sounds from freesound.org
Assets from itch.io
Assets from opengameart.org