
Hypha's backend receives, processes, and stores telemetry data from Hypha Agents and makes available for querying using Hypha's UI.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Hypha Backend

Local Deployment

  1. From project root directory, run docker compose -f local-compose.yml up --build
  2. View Grafana on localhost port 3000

AWS ECS Deployment


  1. Install AWS CLI latest version

  2. Configure AWS credentials

  3. Setup Docker ECS Integration

    MacOS or Windows
    • Make sure you have Docker 19.03 or later, then also install the Docker Compose CLI: curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/compose-cli/main/scripts/install/install_linux.sh | sh
  4. Create a new Docker ECS context with docker context create ecs <context-name>


  1. Switch to your ECS context with docker context use <context-name>
  2. From the project root directory, run docker compose up
  3. Once deployment processes complete, run sh get-endpoints.sh to create endpoints.txt file containing the gateway and dashboard endpoints


  1. From the project root directory, run docker compose down to tear down the ECS deployment
  2. To return to local deployment, switch context with docker context use default